Major Agreements of COP26 have been
The Major Agreements of COP26 have been;
More than 100 world leaders promised to end and reverse deforestation by 2030,
The US and the EU announced a global partnership to cut emissions of the
greenhouse gas methane by 2030. More than 40 countries committed to move away
from coal. Some new pots of money were announced to help developing countries
adapt to climate change and deal with the damage and loss it brings. This is
probably the most important one to help poorer nations actually do something
about climate change, but is almost certainly nothing like enough. These are
the successes, but there are many failures. Most countries are still putting
economic gain ahead of anything else. The Countries don't want to work
together. Countries like India are suffering at the hands of rising sea levels,
but can't or won't get to net zero for another 50 or so years. They need coal
power to survive and some of their people perishing in pursuit of this goal is
an acceptable loss. Coal is really a problem for much of the world. It is their
life blood and they are not willing to invest in change. Countries like China,
USA and Australia really need to change their outlook and this will now have to
come from the people to elect change where they can. UN Secretary General
António Guterres said that the world was on "life support". The
summit would probably not see governments make the pledges needed to cut CO2
emissions by enough. Scientists have stated that limiting global temperature
rises to 1.5C will help humanity avoid the worst climate impacts. But the
latest projections are for a rise of 2.7C. All the promises governments make to
reduce emissions are meaningless while these governments continue to invest in
fossil fuels.
Photo Reuters
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