Norwegian firm N2 Applied Pilot Project Aims to Practically Eliminate Methane and Ammonia Slurry Emissions at New Scottish ‘Eco-Farm’


N2 Applied has developed a small-sized unit which  enable farmers to produce their own fertiliser on the farm – using air, electricity and livestock slurry. The technology increases yield and cuts emissions, providing an attractive value proposition for farmers.
The N2 process enhances the livestock slurry with nitrogen and stops the loss of ammonia, leading to higher yields without the need for chemical fertiliser. The Nitrogen Use Efficiency is increased, losses reduced and sustainability improved. The unit is placed locally on the farm or biogas plant, enriching the slurry continuously, and is easily integrated in the existing local infrastructure. The capacity can fit farms of different sizes as the technology is modular and scalable. It can be adapted to variable production of renewable energy and take advantage of local available production like solar, wind and biogas. This re-distributes fertiliser production from large scale factories to the end-user, the farmer – cutting long and expensive value chains.​ Using a scientific technique that applies just air and electricity to slurry, the N2 Unit performs a plasma conversion that ‘locks in’ methane and ammonia to the liquid waste material, producing a sustainable fertiliser. As well as the project’s potential to achieve net-zero emissions from slurry management and improve grassland yields, the farm is a growing business attracting daily customers – so the ability to eliminate slurry odours is seen as an attractive fringe benefit.
Photo ​N2 Applied


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