Balancing Supply and Demand - Ocean Grazer


On a windy day sea wind farms produced more energy than can be used. On a calm day the demand is greater than the supply. There is a need to somehow store the excess energy when it is produced and store it so that it can be used on days when the demand is greater than the supply. There are many projects working on this and ocean grazer is feasible one. The Ocean Battery is a scalable, modular solution for utility scale energy storage that is produced by renewable sources such as wind turbines and floating solar farms at sea. Ocean Battery is a pumped hydro system in a box that provides eco-friendly utility scale energy storage up to GWh scale. The mechanism is based on hydro dam technology, that has proven itself for over a century as highly reliable and efficient.

To store energy, the system pumps water from the rigid reservoirs into the flexible bladders on the seabed. Now the energy is stored as potential energy in the form of water under high pressure. When there is demand for power, water flows back from the flexible bladders to the low pressure rigid reservoirs. Driving multiple hydro turbines to generate electricity.


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