CFC Free - the lies in Advertising - Greenwashing

 Philip and Paul self certify that this Podcasting is CFC free as they discuss "What is greenwashing?"

Seen companies marketing their goods with Eco Buzz words? this marketing ploy is called greenwashing, it trying to convince customers that the company is making positive environmental choices.

 The Statement "this podcast is CFC free" is a easy example of greenwashing. a claim that is true, wholesome and environmentally friendly. but if you think twice about it, Most/all podcast are CFC free because they don’t use any CFC to make them, its an easy claim to make but doesn’t make actually make any difference to climate change, this is the problem with greenwashing.

 The term greenwashing was first coined in the 1980s in an essay by environmentalist Jay Westerveld. In this essay, he criticized the hotel industry’s “save your towel” movement for preying on guests’ environmental sensibilities. While this movement was disguised as a way for guests to help hotels conserve water and save the planet, it essentially only cut down on laundry labour expenses for the hotel and made a minimal difference in water usage.

 Why is greenwashing so prevalent today? In short — because it works. A 2015 Nielson poll found that two-thirds of shoppers are willing to pay more for eco-friendly goods and that half consider a product’s sustainability before deciding whether to purchase.


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