Could the UK have half of news cars being electric in 5 years


Department for Transport (DfT) proposals are for 22% of cars rolling off forecourts being fully electric-powered from 2024, and increasing to 52% of all cars by 2028 for this to happen. The targets for vans are 8% in 2024 and 34% in 2028. Is this likely and the answer is probably no as long as the price of the new cars remains high. The second-hand market in electric vehicles is really small so it is only the purchase new cars that can up the number of electric vehicles to half in five years. To many people the cost of electric cars is still far too high and only a dramatic drop will change the position. People like me have to be convinced. I have never bought a new car – driving it off the forecourt costs way too much and a second-hand car is better value for money. For me I need cheaper cars and ones with a similar range to a petrol or hybrid car to work for me.


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