Europe's Energy Problem
Russia is the 2nd biggest oil exporter in the world and Europe is its biggest customer. Russia currently supplies one out of every four barrels of oil consumed in Europe, two thirds of which is used in transport. The UK has announced a ban on Russian oil imports and the European Union has announced a phase out of Russian oil imports by the end of 2022. In 2020, almost three quarters of the extra-EU crude oil imports came from Russia (29 %), the United States (9 %), Norway (8 %), Saudi Arabia and the United Kingdom (both 7 %) as well as Kazakhstan and Nigeria (both 6 %). A similar analysis shows that over three quarters of the EU's imports of natural gas came from Russia (43 %), Norway (21 %), Algeria (8 %) and Qatar (5 %), while more than half of solid fossil fuel (mostly coal) imports originated from Russia (54 %), followed by the United States (16 %) and Australia (14 %).
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