Extreme temperatures in India and Pakistan

The land surface temperatures in India were recorded as 62C. That temperature is unbearable to walk on. Schools across India had needed to close early for the summer, because they are unable to operate amid the extreme heat and the resulting power outages. A massive glacial lake outburst in Pakistan wiped out a bridge, two power plants, and flooded a village as the record-breaking, months-long heatwave grinds on. The Record-high temperatures have accelerated the ice and snow melt, feeding a lake near the Shishpar glacier in northern Pakistan’s Hunza District so fast, that it breached its ice dam and dumped 10,000 cubic feet of water per second down the valley. Residents had sufficient warning to evacuate, but the flooding destroyed agricultural land, power projects and some homes. This glacier melting is worrisome because it’s now happening on an almost annual basis, All of this is related to climate change. 


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