Machine Learning can predict the lifetime of a battery

Researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory have used machine learning to predict the lifetimes of a wide range of different battery chemistries. By using experimental data gathered from a set of 300 batteries the scientists can accurately determine just how long different batteries will continue to cycle. Battery lifetime is of fundamental importance for every consumer. Currently the only way to work out how the capacity in a battery, is to actually cycle the battery. Batteries don’t last forever, and how long they last depends on the way that we use them, as well as their design and their chemistry. the studies have shown that machine learning tools can predict lithium-ion battery lifetimes from 100 or fewer preliminary cycles, representing only a few weeks of cycling and with this information new and better designs can be made.

Noah H. Paulson et al.; Feature engineering for machine learning enabled early prediction of battery lifetime; Journal of Power Sources; Volume 527, 15 April 2022, 231127

Photo Pixabay


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