New gas storage facility in USA will be worlds largest
The world’s largest green-hydrogen production and storage installation when completed in 2025 will be in Delta, Utah. The Utah project’s storage capacity of 5500 tons will be equivalent to that of all the USA's grid-scale battery-storage capacity projected for 2030. The hydrogen will be stored at 69 atmospheres or greater in caverns that will be carved out in underground salt formations. The hydrogen will be burned in combination with natural gas during periods of peak electricity demand in a new natural-gas-fired plant to be built by the electric utility Intermountain Power Agency. That power plant will generate electricity from turbines driven both by combustion of gases and with steam produced from the exhaust heat. To be fuelled with a 30:70 mix of hydrogen and natural gas initially, the plant will be converted to all-hydrogen operation by 2045.
Image Pixabay
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