A new study reports that many countries are increasing coal production in spite of COP26

 The world’s nations agreed at the UN’s Cop26 climate summit in Glasgow last November to “accelerate efforts towards the phasedown of unabated coal”. Certain counties watered down the desired wording to this. New mining projects are being planned in China, India, Australia, Russia and South Africa. The same countries that wanted the wording changed. Coal is the most polluting of all the fossil fuels. Almost half the 1,000 companies assessed  in a recent report are still developing new coal assets, and just 27 companies have announced coal exit dates consistent with international climate targets. The report found 476GW of new coal-fired power capacity is still in the pipeline worldwide. This is equivalent to hundreds of new power stations being built. China is responsible for 60% of all the planned new capacity. The US, which has the world’s third-largest number of coal plants, has not set a national end date for its coal power, and doesn't appear to want to set one.


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